After 35+ years of operating out of homes, rented spaces, borrowed lots, and anywhere else we can, CIA has embarked on a Capital Campaign to purchase and build a permanent international headquarters for our operations. This facility allows us to work on our own equipment, saving tens of thousands of dollars every year. We also have warehouse space for hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of nonperishable foods donated for our deployments, most of which we had to pass on or previously turn down due to lack of space. We have quickly outgrown our current office space, as God continues to grow our team and capabilities. Consolidating our operations that are currently scattered across Northern Virginia will allow us to work more efficiently and expand our capacity to bring Hope people in their greatest times of need. This is a monumental project for us, and we are trusting God to provide for it, just as He has for the last 35 years. We are currently in Phase 1 of the build-out and ask for your involvement as we continue Bringing Hope to America's Families!
Building Hope from Christ In Action on Vimeo.
Your donation today will help us finish this project well, and enable us to keep bringing Hope to families across America for years to come!