Mexico 2010: Church In Mexico

While our team was in Mexico, we were able to visit a church in Reynosa, Mexico called “Oasis In The Desert.” Led by Pastor George, this passionate congregation has grown from a few people meeting in a small tent 20 years ago, to a wonderful building where about 400-500 men, women and children gather each week. With a bustling children’s program and a talented worship band, we enjoyed fellowship despite language barriers for almost three hours. Even though the words didn’t sound the same, the universal language of music bridged any perceived gap that may have been.
After a healthy worship set, Pastor George welcomed and introduced the children’s program & they performed a brief version of a Christmas pageant they had performed the night before. The rest of the children in the audience scurried to the front of the room. With such a large room and so many audience members, it would have been hard to hear, but the dialogue was all pre-recorded, so the kids were able to just act and lip sync. Children and adults of all ages giggled as characters of every kind from Mary & Joseph to Scooby Doo and Superman danced and dialogued about Christmas.
After the pageant, Pastor George introduced Pastor Rick Hagans, founder of Harvest Evangelism, who shared a few words and then introduced one of our team members from Harvest Evangelism, Sunil McWan. Sunil is a passionate man from India who overflows with the love of Christ wherever he is. After Sunil shared his heartfelt story with the congregation, Pastor George introduced Bobby Layhee, who spoke for the remainder of the time. You can listen to a short part of Sunil’s story below:
While language challenged some, Pastor George interpreted for most of the service so we were able to understand whatever Spanish was spoken, and locals could understand the English-speakers. What a blessed time to spend with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
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