Earl and Barbara Stinson

Earl and Barbara have known each other since third grade. They were sweethearts in high school and have been married since 1958. They are retired from Fairfax County Public Schools where Earl taught automotive technology and Barbara was an administrative assistant to a high school principal.

Earl and Barbara have served God by volunteering in Sunday school, Royal Rangers, homeless ministry, and leading life groups. Earl began working with CIA in 2010 during our "Homes for Haiti" project and has worked on special projects and deployed regularly with us since then. As the oldest member of our core team, Earl inspires us all to serve Jesus as enthusiastically as he does. Earl & Barbara live in Virginia and have two daughters and four grandchildren.

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Christ In Action | 21465 Business Court, Elkwood, VA 22718
(703) 368-6286 | info@christinaction.com | Contact Us | Powered by LearningCart.