Alabama Tornadoes Deployment Video Report
The narration on this video was a voice mail left on Dr. Nissley's cell phone by Anthony Wright. Anthony, his wife Amanda and two children, Katie (6 years old) and William (7 months old) survived the tornado in Pleasant Grove, AL by hiding in the stair well of their house. Anthony was very involved in CIA's disaster relief ministry.
Local captures storm footage in Pleasant Grove, AL
On April 27, 2011, tornadoes ripped through Alabama. Using his mobile phone, this resident captured one of the funnel clouds that ravished the area where Christ in Action is responding.
Deployment Extension Update!
We have extended our deployment here in Alabama until Thursday, May 19th at 12:00pm.
Please keep in mind that we are focusing on debris removal so we need volunteers who can work long, hard, strenuous hours in less than desirable conditions. This is very physically demanding work, if you have any limitations please reconsider volunteering.
Heartfelt thanks from CIA Volunteers
We are so thankful for all of our volunteers who join us as we Bring Hope to America's Families!
People who have nothing helping those who've lost everything
20 homeless men from Rescue Atlanta ( came up to Camp Hope and have been working all day helping to clear debris and restore hope in a desperate situation.
Words of gratitude from those assisted by CIA in Alabama
Christ In Action is privileged to work with these individuals and so many others as we continue to bring hope to America's families.
Important Websites - Alabama Tornadoes
Important Websites:
· To find loved ones or let loved ones know you are OK:
· 3 Ways to Apply for Federal Assistance
· How To Avoid and Report Scam Artists After a Disaster
· Recap 6: Response and Support Efforts for Southern U.S. Tornadoes
and Severe Storms
Alabama Deployment Update
We met this morning with the pastor to assess the situation at his church. Passing by it looks totally destroyed. On closer inspection we could see that it was.
Alabama Tornadoes - Deployment Update!
We are deploying to Central Alabama, and we need your help!
Please note, due to the hazardous conditions of disaster relief work, in order to volunteer with Christ In Action you must be 18 years of age or older.
FEMA Information - Alabama Tornadoes
Families and individuals that have been impacted by the tornadoes and storms, and need assistance have several options for getting help.
Assessment of Tornado Damage in AL
In response to the tornadoes in Alabama we are in communication with our local contacts there and are currently in the process of assessing the situation.