Dan an Stephanie Bantly

Dan and Stephanie Bantly joined Christ In Action from the Charleston, South Carolina area. Dan is originally from western Pennsylvania and Stephanie is from central New Jersey where they met in 1984. They have two children. Their daughter Sam graduated from VCU in 2019 and married Shane Taylor that June; the following November the Bantly’s were blessed with their first grandchild, Ransom. Ryan, the Bantly's son, graduated high school in 2019 and currently serves in the Marine Corps at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

Immediately before joining Christ In Action, the Bantly’s owned and operated a successful landscaping business in South Carolina for 9 years. Prior to that, Dan worked in warehouse management for 17 years. Stephanie’s past experience was primarily in administration. Dan’s skills with warehouse management, inventory, and receiving allow him to assist Christ In Action with operations in our warehouse as he is available. Stephanie serves full-time on the administrative side, working in our financial office as well as helping maintain vehicle records and making all the spreadsheets. Both Dan and Stephanie deploy full-time with our team when CIA is called out for a national deployment.

Support the Bantly's

Christ In Action is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Christ In Action | 21465 Business Court, Elkwood, VA 22718
(703) 368-6286 | info@christinaction.com | Contact Us | Powered by LearningCart.